A week or so ago, I took my family to our city's gun show. I own guns and enjoy shooting. My Dad (who was also with us) is an avid hunter and my husband joins him. We were looking for two things: a 357 snub nose for me (preferably hammer less) and a left handed bolt action for the hubby. We found both but neither was in the price range we were comfortable with so we left empty handed. While making our way to our car, an older man holding a clipboard stopped us and asked if we would like to sign a petition. I asked what it was for and was told it was to protect marriage. At this point I knew it was about the recently passed gay marriage bill signed by our governor that would make it legal starting this summer...but I like to mess with people. So I ask him if it possibly has to do with making people stayed married since our divorce rate is through the roof. "No, ma'am. It's about keeping marriage between a man and a woman." I politely declined to sign and started walking away, children in tow. He stops me again. "You really need to protect the sanctity of marriage." Now that word pisses me off. "Sanctity". I, myself, am on my second marriage. This country has a divorce rate of about 50%. Straight people sure are doing a wonderful job, aren't we? Any who, I tell him that I don't agree with the measure to stop people who are in love, regardless of their sexuality, from getting married and having the same benefits and rights as I have. And to my surprise, as I'm pushing a stroller, holding the toddler and walking back to my car, he says "Well, then you're gonna need your guns if this law stands!" I couldn't stop laughing. Seriously? I'm going to need my guns if men marry men and woman marry woman? How? Why? Where is the connection? I've never once feared a gay person or thought that was why I was a gun owner. All I've ever thought about it was that every consenting adult should be able to marry another consenting adult, period. And think of all the beautiful weddings!! And what a great way to boost the economy too. Florists, wedding cakes, dresses and tuxes, invitations, gifts, jewelry, venues, etc. I never made the connection that since I AM a gun owner, people would assume my feeling on other issues based on that fact. I'm not a "one party or the other" kind of girl. I believe what I believe and where that falls on the "charts" and "in the party lines" I honestly couldn't tell you. I was taken aback by his presumption. Has anyone else had something like this happen? An assumption about your beliefs based on one piece of what makes you, you?
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